PropTech Bulgaria 2020 | The SEE Conference – the 1st international PropTech Conference in SEE took place in a hybrid format on 4-5 November.
The SEE Conference was initiated and organized by PropTech Bulgaria – the national PropTech hub of Bulgaria. Strategic partner of the event: British Embassy in Bulgaria, UK Science & Innovation Network [Bulgaria & Romania]. Our International partners were: Realpad, Czech & Slovak PropTech Association, PropTech Slovakia.
The SEE Conference was huge success!
Speakers from 15 countries worldwide. Participants from 24 countries, 17 of which European, and 8 SEE countries.
The satisfaction rate is 8.7 on a 10-grade scale. The average watch time per 1 participant is 7.30 h which equals 71,3 % of the total SEE Conference duration [10.30 h long in total on both days].

This is a high-end achievement that proves the bespoke and highly differentiated content of the Conference.
Moreover, the turnout rate of the SEE Conference is 77 %. This rate depicts the number of actual participants as a ratio to all registrants. Usually, at other international digital conferences the turnout rate varies between 10 % and 15 %. The best cases show around 50 % turnout rate. It is truly huge success to have such an exclusively high turnout rate! We thank all participants!
The profile of participants is as follows,
43 % Tech companies;
22 % Property Developers;
22 % Professional Services;
9 % Academic & Gov’t;
4 % Tech Investors.
See photos of the Event in the galleries here.

And now you ‘hold in your hands’ this exclusive edition of ‘The South-East Europe PropTech Trends’ e-book which displays in details that valuable knowledge and expertise, market intelligence and contacts shared at the SEE Conference.
Let us have a quick walk with you around. It will be a pleasure for us to show you the most interesting places in the e-book.
The ‘Eagle’s Flight View’ sets the stage with the most recent stats on Eastern Europe’s performance as presented at the SEE Conference by Prof. Rudy Aernoudt, Senior Economist of the European Commission.
Next, we shift our zoom-out perspective to ‘Surfing the Edge of Chaos’ and navigating the raging waters of a pandemic world. We dive deep into the uneasy waters of wicked problems with Elvin Box’s keynote on Covid-19 and the issue to identify the real problem before offering any solutions.
Following comes the 5 Trend Talks themes which the SEE Conference covered. Let us look at each one of them.

Firstly you encounter with ‘The Leap of the Brave: PropTech Technologies’.
We outline the most outstanding content presented to us by:
- Dirk Paelinck, Chairman, European PropTech Association – PropTech House
- Andreas Hoffmann, Head of Property Europe, Cromwell Germany GmbH
- Ivan Nokhrin, Co-Founder PropTech Russia
- Alexandru Boghiu, Managing Partner, The Mavers, Romania, as well as by our 5 panellists in ‘Technology Trends in Facility Management’ discussion:
- Milan Bogar, Founder PropTech Slovakia
- Lara Paemen, EMEA Director IFMA, The Netherlands
- Ondrej Strup, IFMA Fellow, Czechia
- Simon Ashworth – Researcher ZHAW IFM Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
- Maciej Wishnewsky – CEO Loredo RES, Poland.

Second comes ‘The Ecosystem’ which features all 5 speakers’ keynotes on the UK PropTech ecosystem and what drives the digitization of processes in Construction and Real Estate in one of the most outstanding PropTech countries in the world. Here you can read more on the perspective of Building Research Establishment, the UK PropTech Association, and London Construction Excellence Club.
Next Trend Talks focus on ‘International External Funding & Investor Relations’. This section pays particular attention to the keynotes of Dirk Paelinck [Chairman, European PropTech Association – PropTech House] and Andreas Hoffmann [Head of Property Europe, Cromwell Germany GmbH] & Elena Arabadjieva [COO & Head of Investor Relations, Cromwell EREIT Management Pte. Ltd.]
After that we shift to the issue of ‘Overcoming the Fragmented European market’. Here you will find tips and tricks of entering specific national markets such as: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Slovakia.
And the last Trend Talks put ‘Impact in/by PropTech’ in the limelight. Menno Lammer’s keynote on ‘Why we have to build back better and why the CEE Real Estate and tech companies should care’ is depicted in many details.
Finally, you will have the chance to go into deeper details about:
- Covid-19; So, what should we do now? by Elvin Box MCIOB MBA, Chair London Constructing Excellence Club
- Interview on funding opportunities for PropTechs by Dirk Paelinck, Chairman European PropTech Association – PropTech House
- Bulgaria-as-a-PropTech-Service by Sylvia Pavlova MBA CMC, Founder PropTech Bulgaria & Organizer of the SEE Conference
- Slovakia-as-a-PropTech-Service by Milan Bogar, Founder PropTech Slovakia
And certainly, don’t miss to check the game-changers behind the 1st international PropTech Conference and the profiles of some of the Gold Members of PropTech Bulgaria. You will find our direct contact details there, too.
Enjoy your journey along ‘South-East Europe PropTech Trends’ e-book!
You can apply for your free e-copy at the end of this landing web page.
It was a pleasure for us to creatе this high-quality content for professionals like you!

As a gift to all, we share 2 of the 35 outstanding keynotes and sessions, which comprised PropTech Bulgaria 2020 | SEE Conference
The SEE Conference registrants are the only ones entitled to receive a free copy of ‘The South-East PropTech Trends‘ e-book. However, we grant 50 free e-copies to crucial players in the European ecosystem whom we approve. If you are one of them and want to apply for getting your free e-copy, register below. Upon approval, we will send you the e-book.
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